pride news!
Catch up on all the latest news from Gold Coast Pride
Welcome to our Pride News Page where you can find all the latest information about upcoming events, partnerships, where we've been featured in the media! 2024 is shaping up to be our best year yet and we can't wait to share all the exiting things we've got planned!
Here's What's New!

We cannot be more excited to introduce a fabulous new offering for our rainbow community at the Gold Coast Pride Festival in 2024: Our brand new Creative Arts Safe Space!
Check out all the latest media and press coverage that has featured our wonderful Gold Coast Pride Festival, and other LGBTQIA+ events.
Check out our exciting partnership with celebrity Artist Anita Nevar, as she brings her Drag art exhibit and documentary project to Gold Coast Pride Fair Day!
Festival Details

What: Gold Coast Pride Festival
Date: 1 June 2024
Where: Macintosh Island Park, Main Beach, QLD
Cost: FREE!
Go to: www.gcrainbowcommunities.com or @gcrainbowcommunities for more information, to sign up to our newsletter, grab a stall at the markets, become a volunteer or see sponsorship opportunities.
Media Contact:
Mim Favero - Festival PR - 0412 734 551
Community Contacts:
Danni Zuvela - Co-Director - 0450 900 923
Vince Siciliani - Co-Director - 0412 352 556
About Gold Coast Rainbow Communities
Gold Coast Rainbow Communities (GCRC) is proud to be the Gold Coast’s leading LGBTIQA+ organisation. We have over 3000 genuine Facebook friends, over 1,000 Instagram followers, and a mailing list of over 2,000 participants.
We established the Gold Coast Pride Festival in 2021 from a standing start and have grown it to become the city’s biggest and best queer event.
We are a passionately grassroots, not-for-profit, community-based and volunteer-run organisation, committed to organising and advocating for our community.
Formed amidst the chaos and disconnection of the global pandemic, GCRC has grown through a combination of community need, our confidence, experience and vision as a team, and with the valued support and contribution of our partners and sponsors.
We work hard to ensure our Pride Festivals are all-inclusive, all ages, safe and free-entry for all
Our ticketed events help to fund and deliver the free events!